As part of its mission to support scholarship within the history of medicine and to support the next generation of scholars, physicians and scientists, the Center for the History of Medicine at Becker Medical Library provides grant funding for scholarly and creative projects that investigate topics pertinent to medical history. Applicants might wish to make use of the Becker collections, but this is not a requirement.
Grants will be awarded in increments of $1,000 up to $3,000, and grantees will have one year from the date of the award to use the funds. Funds will be paid through reimbursement.
Grants are available to Washington University in St. Louis graduate students, trainees and early career faculty (assistant professors, instructors, lecturers, etc.) from the medical and Danforth campuses.
Application Requirements
To apply for a grant, please send the following components to Elisabeth Brander at
- A 1-2 page description of the proposed project that includes resources needed, the intended outcomes, and how the project ties into the Center’s goals of supporting and raising awareness of the history of medicine. This should also address what sources of funding have already been investigated.
- A current CV.
- A letter of support from a professor (for students and trainees) or colleague (faculty) familiar with your work.
Successful applicants will be asked to provide a 1-2 page final report of how the funds were used, what was learned, and the current status of the project. This will be used as a blog post on the Becker Library website.
Descriptions of past projects will also be listed on the Center for the History of Medicine website.
Applications open on September 15 and are accepted on a rolling basis. The first review date is October 15.