Dr. Katherine Bain, her friend Christine Glass, and their home at 2710 Quebec Street

Using archival records to determine if a friendship between two women was something more is challenging. At first glance, the records are rather ambiguous, perhaps intentionally so. What can we learn if we look closer?

New Systematic and Scoping Review Tutorials Now Available

Becker Library now offers four brief tutorials to help researchers better understand systematic and scoping reviews: These brief videos are especially helpful for novice systematic review/scoping review researchers, or those who have not utilized Becker Library’s systematic review service before. To learn more about systematic and scoping reviews, please see our guides: Have questions about  [Read more]

Jerome R. Cox Jr. Papers Open for Research

Did you know the PC was invented at Washington University? Well, not that PC. The Programmed Console. In the spring of 1965, Jerome R. Cox Jr. and Wesley A. Clark co-taught a graduate course in computer design in which teams of students designed working computers. One student, V.W. “Bill” Gerth, also wrote an interactive radiation  [Read more]