Introductory Compute

Session Available!

Research Computing

The Introductory Compute is designed for researchers without any prior experience using the Unix command line interface and high performance computing. During each workshop session, important background concepts are introduced in a simple presentation format, accompanied by demonstration exercises.

MATLAB Workshops

Research Computing

MathWorks engineers periodically lead MATLAB training sessions at the School of Medicine. Topics could include, but are not limited to, automating workflows, deep learning, image processing, parallel and GPU computing, or others.

Python Workshops

Session Available!

Research Computing

The Python workshops are geared toward researchers new to programming and Python. Topics can include getting started with Python, Jupyter Notebook, and performing data analysis and visualization. Each workshop starts with a 30 minute presentation covering important background information and then the remaining 90 minutes is devoted to hands-on activities.

R Workshops

Session Available!

Research Computing

The R workshops are geared toward researchers new to programming and R. Topics can include basic and advanced data visualization, data manipulation, and genomic data analysis. Each workshop starts with a 30-minute presentation covering important background information and then the remaining 90 minutes are devoted to hands-on activities.