Name Your name in Profiles is drawn from HRMS. If you would like to use a different name, please enter your name as you would prefer it to appear and/or provide an explanation of the issue.
Publication Information Currently, Profiles only supports publications found in the Scopus database. If you have missing publications or publications that are incorrectly attached to your profile, please list or copy/paste below. If you would prefer to attach a file, use the Publication Information File Upload below the entry box.
Research Interests Enter the research interest statement you would like to appear in your profile.
Areas of Clinical Interest Enter the clinical interest statement you would like to appear in your profile.
Mentoring Statement For the groups you are willing to mentor, you also have the option to provide more information about the activities or experiences you are able to offer or list any specific programs you currently participate in. In your statement, please include specific terms and information about the education level of mentees you are interested in working with and associated activities so they can be more easily retrieved in keyword searches.
Education Activities and Interests Enter a statement you would like to appear in your profile that describes your activities, interests, and accomplishments as an educator. This can include activities such as designing a course, serving as a coursemaster or instructor, participation in training programs, as well as any other education activities or professional interests you wish to share. Please include information and terms to describe those activities so they can be retrieved in keyword searches.
NIH Grants Describe the change or correction you would like to make below.
Remove a Concept(s) from My Fingerprint If you have a concept(s) listed in your profile fingerprint that you would prefer NOT to appear or is no longer accurate, please enter them below.
Add My Lab's Website Address If you have a lab website you would like to include with your profile, please enter the address here.
Add My ORCID ID If you would like to have your ORCID ID displayed on your profile page, please enter it here.
Comments/Other Please share any other comments or other changes or issues you would like to address that are not included in the options above.