Remote/Proxy Server Access

Remote Access/Proxy is free and accessible anywhere, anytime!

School of Medicine faculty and staff have free remote access to Becker Library’s extensive collection of e-books, journals and databases so that resources are truly accessible anytime, anywhere. Students already received proxy access automatically and will continue to do so. All School of Medicine faculty, staff and students can simply enter their WUSTL Key on the proxy login screen. Proxy accounts are no longer required/no longer exist.

Log in to Remote Access

What is Remote Access/Proxy?

Becker Library’s proxy server provides access to the library’s online biomedical resources for individuals accessing the web via an Internet Service Provider (ISP) other than the Washington University School of Medicine network. Using the proxy server allows online journal, e-book, and database vendors to identify you as belonging to the School of Medicine community and give you off-network access to all the resources and full-text articles you can typically access from the School of Medicine network.

Using the Proxy Service

Resource links on the Becker Library site will automatically prompt for a proxy account login if one is required, such as when attempting to use a database or access an e-journal from off-campus. After logging in, you will remain connected to the proxy server through the remainder of your browser session. Should you reach a point when you no longer seem connected, you can:

  1. Navigate back to the Becker Library website, locate, and directly open the resource.
  2. Use the BeckerProxy Bookmarklet to attempt to reload the site through the proxy server. Add it to your browser from the proxy server Help and Tools.

Not all websites are proxied, and even when following links from the Becker Library site or using the bookmarklet it is possible you will find some content that is not accessible. Should you find there are sites that you cannot access – especially if they are electronic resources that you would expect to get through the library – please contact us via the Becker Library Help page.

Also see Tips for Accessing Becker Resources from Anywhere.

EZproxy Settings for Papers (Mac Users)

Mac users who are setting up login information for the Papers citation management software need a URL for “beckerproxy.” Papers will work with EZproxy (the software that Becker Library uses for proxy services).