Borrowing and Renewing

Book/Journal Check-out Privileges

  • Staff, faculty, students, and trainees of Washington University in St. Louis (School of Medicine and Danforth Campus)
  • Retired staff with an updated ID badge
  • Alumni of the Washington University Dental School
  • Faculty, staff, or students of Central Institute for the Deaf
  • Members of the St. Louis Metropolitan Medical Society (membership card required)
  • Becker Library members – learn about library membership

Borrower’s Registration

Washington University faculty, staff and students must present a valid ID card and may need to complete the online borrower’s registration form at the Information Services Desk to gain check-out privileges.

Library Members are automatically registered upon payment of annual membership fees.

Book/Journal check-out privileges are not transferable. Persons checking materials out of the library must use their own ID even if the materials are for the use of another person. The person checking out the material will be fully responsible for its return. Exceptions to this policy may be made under specific circumstances. Please inquire at the Information Services Desk.

Loan Periods

Material Type Duration of Loan Number of Items
Books and Audiovisuals 28 day loan period
6 renewals – 28 days each
15 items per person at one time
Journals 1 day loan period
No renewals allowed
5 journals
Reserves 7 day loan period
1 renewal – 7 days
3 items

Hold List

If a book, audiovisual item, or journal is checked-out to another borrower you may request to be placed on the hold list to be contacted when it is returned. To place a hold you can:

Renewing Materials

Items may be renewed by:

  • Logging into your Library Borrower’s Account
  • Calling the Information Services Desk at 314-362-7080
  • Emailing
  • Bringing the materials to the Information Services Desk inside Becker Library
  • Replying to e-mail reminders.  You will receive automated reminders by e-mail when items are due.  Simply send a reply and request a renewal.  Library staff will receive the request and respond.


The Becker Medical Library has no overdue fines.

However, in order to make the collection equally available to all, the library enforces the following policies:

  • Books and audiovisuals may be renewed after they are overdue, as long as another borrower has not requested them.
  • Journals may not be renewed.
  • A block is placed on a borrower’s record when journals are one day overdue.
  • A block is placed on a borrower’s record when the third overdue notice for books and audiovisuals is sent.
  • Once a block is placed, no other materials may be checked out or renewed until the overdue items are returned.
  • Remote access privileges will be suspended when books are six weeks overdue.

Lost Materials

Borrowers are responsible for materials checked out to them.

When a borrower claims to have returned an item, Library staff will check the shelves and system records to make certain the material is not in the library.

Items not found will be billed to the borrower as follows:

Books and Audiovisuals Publisher’s price plus $20 processing fee, or $100
Journals $150

If the item(s) have not been returned or the invoice paid after one year, borrowing privileges are permanently suspended.  

Payment received for lost items that are later located, cannot be refunded.