Bernard Becker Medical Library has maintained a collection of rare medical texts devoted to scholarship and teaching since 1912. The rare book program developed considerably over the past century, and the Library now holds nine distinct Rare Book Collections totaling approximately 23,000 books and journals. The collections are open to the medical community, historians, and to the general public. The collections’ strengths include ophthalmology, neurology, anatomy, ENT, dentistry, obstetrics and gynecology.
To search for books in our collections, use the library catalog.
To learn more about our collections, follow the links below or contact us: arb@wusm.wustl.edu / (314) 362-4236.
Rare Book Collections
- Bernard Becker Collection in Ophthalmology and Optics
- CID-Max A. Goldstein Collection in Speech and Hearing
- Classics of Medicine (General Rare Books) Collection
- H. Richard Tyler Collection of the American Academy of Neurology Library
- Henry J. McKellops Collection in Dental Medicine
- James Moores Ball Collection
- Monuments of Medicine Collection
- Rare Medical Periodicals Collection
- Robert E. Schlueter-Paracelsus Collection