Becker Library Archives & Rare Books Division
Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm or by appointment
Contact Archives & Rare Books at (314) 362-4236 or
Room 702, Becker Library
MSC 8132-13-01, 660 South Euclid Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63110-1010
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Historia Medica Lecture and Glaser Gallery Exhibit Reception
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Archives & Rare Books Posts
Comrades in Science? U.S.-U.S.S.R. Exchanges in Health and Medicine
As the United States and the Soviet Union vied for global dominance during the Cold War, they also engaged in scientific and technical exchanges—including in the fields of health and medicine. These exchanges ranged from informal delegations to state-sponsored visits, and they often included scientists affiliated with universities and hospitals. Read more about how Washington [Read more]
Becker Archives and Rare Books has a new digital exhibition space!
Archivists, Rare Books Librarians, and Library IT staff have been hard at work revamping our digital exhibition space. Some of our older exhibits have been migrated to the new platform, Omeka S, and others have been given a bit of a refresh. And now that the archivists and librarians have spent some time familiarizing themselves [Read more]
Reproductive Rights: Highlights from Becker Archives and Rare Books
Reproductive rights in America are constantly changing. But how did we get here? Historical context can help us understand our current moment and even possible futures. Becker Library has a variety of historic materials that shed light on the history of reproductive rights at WashU and in St. Louis.