NCBI Tools: PubMed and My Bibliography

Database Searching, Grant Application and Compliance

Are you interested in learning more about PubMed and My Bibliography? This session will review tools for searching and creating alerts in PubMed, and using My Bibliography to maintain a list of citations to use for NIH Public Access Policy compliance and for the NIH biosketch.

NIH and Other Public Access Policies

Grant Application and Compliance

Are you preparing a manuscript arising from NIH-funded research? Do you have other sources of grant funding such as the American Heart Association or the Department of Defense? If so, you may be required to comply with public access policies issued by these organizations. This session will provide an overview of the NIH Public Access  [Read more]

NIH Biosketch and NCBI SciENcv

Session Available!

Grant Application and Compliance

Are you preparing a grant application for NIH? Do you want to learn more about SciENcv? This session will review the instructions for creating a biosketch in the NIH format and include a review of NCBI SciENcv, a tool to generate a biosketch.

Online Tutorials and Videos

Tutorials and Videos

The Library has compiled a collection of online tutorials and videos covering a variety of topics. Visit the Videos and Tutorials Guide to view the collection. Topics include using Library resources, medical apps, scholarly publishing, and citation management software.

ORCID: What it is and how to use it

Session Available!

Author Analytics and Support, Grant Application and Compliance

Do you need an ORCID iD? Or do you have one already but don’t know how to make the best use of it? This session will provide you with information to not only get you started, but also help you populate and use your ORCID record. A maintained ORCID record can ease your administrative burden  [Read more]

Python Workshops

Research Computing

The Python workshops are geared toward researchers new to programming and Python. Topics can include getting started with Python, Jupyter Notebook, and performing data analysis and visualization. Each workshop starts with a 30 minute presentation covering important background information and then the remaining 90 minutes is devoted to hands-on activities.

R Workshops

Research Computing

The R workshops are geared toward researchers new to programming and R. Topics can include basic and advanced data visualization, data manipulation, and genomic data analysis. Each workshop starts with a 30-minute presentation covering important background information and then the remaining 90 minutes are devoted to hands-on activities.

Recap of NIH Requirements

Session Available!

Author Analytics and Support, Grant Application and Compliance

The Recap of NIH Requirements open house session is an opportunity for attendees to come with questions about ORCID, SciENcv, or the NIH Policy for publications. Staff will be on hand to answer questions and troubleshoot issues with any of the resources used to manage ORCID, SciENcv, or the NIH Policy. Refreshments will be available.

Searching PubMed-Medline

Database Searching

PubMed is a database that provides comprehensive coverage of biomedical literature. During this session you will learn how to effectively and efficiently search PubMed. Topics covered include: creating/using a MyNCBI account, understanding how to use medical subject headings (MeSH), tips for constructing an effective search, and how to access full text articles. Even those with  [Read more]

Searching the Literature & Managing Your Research Workflow

Citation Management, Database Searching, Grant Application and Compliance

Save Time! This presentation will improve your competence in searching skills related to manuscript and grant preparation at all stages of your research endeavors. Learn how to conduct literature searches using databases like PubMed/Medline, SCOPUS, Web of Science and others. This session incorporates how to manage your references which includes finding full text articles, keeping  [Read more]

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