More than 450 members of the medical center community have downloaded the Unbound Medicine uCentral mobile app and gained anytime, anywhere access to The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics and the Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide. Now we are pleased to announce that a third trusted medical title is available, 5-Minute Clinical Consult.
If you currently use the uCentral app you will need to be online to update your content. In the app, go to the menu and select Update Content to gain access to the 5-Minute Clinical Consult on your device. If you access resources through the uCentral Website, 5-Minute Clinical Consult is now available.
To start using the uCentral mobile app, follow these instructions for downloading:
1. Register for a uCentral account while on the Washington University School of Medicine internet network (WUSM network) at
If you are on a PC click the "Sign in" link in the upper right corner, then click the "Register" button. If you are on a mobile device click the "Register" button.
2. Download the free uCentral app from iTunes (Apple devices) or Google Play (Android devices)
3. Sign in to your account. The first time you do this you should be on the WUSM internet network
Once you are signed in you should see icons for the 5-minute Clinical Consult, the Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, the Johns Hopkins Antibiotics Guide and some additional tools. There is an app called Grasp that can be used to create custom flash cards, a Medline search box, and a variety of clinical calculators.
After you have created an account and downloaded the app, you will be able to access content whether you are on or off the network and even when not connected to the internet.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Angela Hardi at