Annual Display of Rare Anatomical Texts at the Becker Library
Wednesday, December 2nd, 1:00pm – 4:00pm
King Center, 7th floor Bernard Becker Medical Library

On December 2nd, 2015 Becker Library’s Archives and Rare Books will host its annual display of rare anatomical atlases from 1:00pm–4:00pm in the King Center. This exhibition is a unique opportunity to see a selection of spectacular medical works dating from the Renaissance to the 20th century up close.
Some of the works featured include:
- the first and second editions of Andreas Vesalius’ landmark work De humani corporis fabrica, which is credited as being the foundation of modern anatomy;
- Govard Bidloo’s Ontleding des menschelyken lichaams, known for the harsh sense of realism it brought to illustrating the process of dissection;
- Siegfried Albinus’ massive Tabluae sceleti et musculorum corporis humani, with its illustrations of skeletons and skinned musclemen posing against elaborate backgrounds.
The King Center is located on the 7th floor of the Bernard Becker Medical Library. All are welcome to attend.