Science and Informatics

A Becker Guide for Proteomics Data Repositories Part 3

In the first two parts of this blog series, I introduced the main player in the proteomics data repository ecosystem, the ProteomeXchange (PX) Consortium. Outside of the PX Consortium, there are an additional handful of repositories holding proteomics data. These additional repositories serve special cases or certain scientific communities, but it may be useful for  [Read more]

Science and Informatics

A Becker Guide for Proteomics Data Repositories Part 2

In the first part of this blog series, I provided an overview of the ProteomeXChange (PX) Consortium and introduced its most important member – the PRIDE Database. I also introduced ProteomeCentral, the common portal providing the ability to browse and search all of the public datasets within the PX Consortium member repositories. Here in the  [Read more]

Science and Informatics

A Becker Guide for Proteomics Data Repositories Part 1

Introduction Proteomics, the large-scale study of proteomes, is a highly valuable tool in biomedical research, but because most proteomics approaches are based on mass spectrometry (MS), the analytical chemistry nature can be a barrier to some biologists and physician-scientists. In this series of three blog articles, I would like to introduce MS-based proteomics data by  [Read more]

Science and Informatics

Check out Dataset Catalog beta from the National Library of Medicine

Earlier this year, the National Library of Medicine (NLM) announced the launch of the beta version of a new online tool called the Dataset Catalog. This tool is intended to be the “PubMed of datasets” to help users search, find and retrieve datasets in multiple repositories through a single, user-friendly interface. Dataset Catalog beta currently  [Read more]