Announcements, Archives and Rare Books

‘Annual Display of Rare Anatomical Texts’ goes virtual

Becker Library’s Archives and Rare Books Division will host the Annual Display of Rare Anatomical Texts for the first time in virtual format on Friday, Dec. 4, from 2-3 p.m.  Registration is not required. Simply join us on Zoom at the time of the event! Add to calendar. This popular annual exhibition is a unique opportunity to see a  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Humoralism and the seasons

Throughout the medieval and early modern periods, medical practice was based on the theory of the four humors. The humors—blood, black bile, yellow bile and phlegm—were fluids that moved through the body and needed to remain in balance in order to maintain health. There were a number of things that could disrupt this balance, including  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Online puzzles from the Archives and Rare Books Division

As part of our ongoing effort to bring our collections to you virtually as we all practice social distancing, we’ve created a series of online puzzles featuring images from Becker Library’s archival and rare book collections. See the images and links to their puzzles below. Helpful tips: Select your puzzle from the options below –  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Paracelsus and Prophesy as a Coping Mechanism

These are unprecedented times. For many, if not most of us, the past several weeks have been marked by anxiety and uncertainty. While this experience is far from pleasant, it is also deeply human. The course of human history has never run smoothly, and each century has seen its share of disasters. The 16th century  [Read more]

Announcements, Archives and Rare Books

Introducing #FridaysWithBecker

For more than a year now, Becker Library has hosted First Fridays @ Becker, a monthly Archives and Rare Books Division open house featuring items from its amazing collections. This has allowed our staff to do one of their favorite things – show people neat stuff.    While in-person First Friday monthly events are canceled  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Women of Washington University: Eliza McMillan, Philanthropist

The following is a guest post from Abbie Schaefer, a student at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville completing an archives practicum at Becker Library. She will graduate in May 2020 with a bachelor’s degree in historical studies and a specialization in applied historical methods, with minors in anthropology and music performance. Her undergraduate research focused on the  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Martin Kamen and Tracer Technology at WashU

This is the second installment in an ongoing series on Martin Kamen. Read the first installment here.   There was every prospect of a brilliant career for me in isotopic tracer methodology, a tool crucial in developments that would eventually usher in the era of molecular biology, bringing with it an understanding of the molecular  [Read more]

Announcements, Archives and Rare Books

Send Your Sweetie a Unique Valentine

Happy Valentine’s Day! This year we’ve created four printable Valentine’s Day cards that feature some niche medical library humor. We hope you’ll enjoy them, and maybe even be inspired to send one to your sweetie (or fellow student, office bestie, etc.) Click the images below to open a PDF that you can print. Fold the  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

WashU Med bulletins: 1920 vs. 2020

The close of a decade often triggers retrospective pieces recounting changes over the previous ten years. But in the world of special collections, we tend to look back further. So as we start 2020, we thought it would be fun to take a look back at what the admissions and tuition requirements for the School  [Read more]

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