Citation management software EndNote and all other software licensed by Washington University are now available through the ServiceNow catalog.
EndNote is a reference management program with features to:
- Keep all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library
- Synchronize your references between up to three of your personal computers, your EndNote online library, and your iPad or iPhone through EndNote Sync. (you must be the owner and user of all three computers)
- Set up a library sharing team and effortlessly collaborate with up to 400 co-authors and colleagues
- Cite your references in word processing documents to create formatted citations and bibliographies or independent reference lists
For more resources to assist the research and publishing process, visit Becker Library’s Manuscript Preparation Resources and 6 Advantages of Using the Citation-Simplifying Software EndNote to Create Your Bibliography.
WashU offers access to the EndNote software at a discounted price for faculty and staff ($50) and students ($26). Use this software to reduce your time spent formatting citations and managing bibliographies. You may download this software from the ServiceNow Catalog.
Need to know:
Effective June 2, 2022, Washington University Information Technology (WUIT) has moved the Software Licensing Catalog from the existing platform to ServiceNow effective, June 2. Read more here.
We have leveraged the already familiar components of the ServiceNow Request process to facilitate a more streamlined Software Licensing Catalog experience for all students, faculty and staff at WashU
Visit the ServiceNow Catalog and:

- Select the category:
Computing and Software - Use the search bar to look for specific software products
- Or Click Here to go directly to the New Software Licensing Catalog
Please contact Kim Lipsey at or via Microsoft Teams if you have questions.