The Research Pod at Becker Library offers several software titles available for students and the Washington University School of Medicine for free. In addition, WashU’s Information Technology Software Licensing team manages site licenses for a variety of software for campus-wide access, free of charge or at a discounted cost.

Undergraduate and graduate students can access SPSS, SAS and MATLAB at no charge on their personal computer for classroom work only. However, if students need to use SPSS, SAS or MATLAB on WashU-owned computers for their labs and departments, faculty and staff pricing must be used. For details on student software access, review WUIT Software Licensing’s list of Software for Students, and the catalog pages for SPSS, SAS and MATLAB. Each catalog page includes download instructions for students.
Check out this recent WashU Tech Den blog and visit the Software Options for Students page for additional information about downloading each software. The WashU Tech Den provides technology support services for several applications used by students. These are listed on the WashU Tech Den Resources page.
Reach out to for all software licensing questions. Students can contact WashU Tech Den for issues with downloading software at 314-933-7100 (option 2).