In partnership with the school of medicine’s educational programs, Becker Medical Library is proud to announce a new funding opportunity for student and trainee-led health and wellness initiatives.
Student and trainee groups can now apply for modest grants through Becker Library’s Feuerstein Health and Wellness Information Center to help them actualize ideas for reducing stress, improving health and promoting healthier lifestyles among their classmates and peers. Examples might include establishing a pantry program, purchasing CBT or relaxation apps, or sponsoring a recreational sports league.

The first grant under this program was recently awarded for a project proposed by a first-year medical student in collaboration with student organizations. The funds established the “Identities: Experiences and Perspectives” collection, a mini-library within Becker centered on the experiences and history of different communities, available for the general student population to borrow.
The goal of the new collection is to provide avenues for students to pursue self-education on the experiences within the diverse student body and the patient communities they will encounter throughout their careers. The grant funded the purchase of approximately 40 books identified by the student groups and new shelving in Becker Library to display them prominently. We hope to add to this collection as new books are recommended.

In 2018, Becker Library opened the Feuerstein Health and Wellness Information Center, a new campus resource offering a curated selection of books on health and wellness themes and a computer kiosk with high-quality health information aimed at personal use. A gift from Irwin M. and Laura J. Feuerstein established and provides ongoing support for the center.
The library has partnered with Washington University’s Wellness Program to identify and purchase wellness-focused print material available at the center in the library’s atrium. Now that the pandemic has brought to light issues related to mental health that the center’s existing resources and physical nature don’t adequately address, we are seeking alternative ways to leverage the Feuersteins’ gift to benefit the wellness of our medical center community.
To apply for funding, visit the Feuerstein Health and Wellness Information website.