Mastering Information, Science and Informatics

Introduction to PIDs: What They Are and How to Use Them

Persistent Unique Identifiers (PIDs), also known as Digital Persistent Identifiers (DPIs), are globally unique, persistent, machine-resolvable digital identifiers with an associated metadata schema. A PID identifies and locates an entity regardless of where it is hosted or published and enables its unambiguous and long-term identification. PIDs are an essential component of the research ecosystem, linking  [Read more]

Mastering Information, Scholarly Publishing

ORCID: Reducing a Researcher’s Administrative Burden

While researchers already have to comply with items like the new Data Management Sharing Policy1, NSPM-332, the August OSTP memo3, and ORCID may feel like one more thing to check off the list, there are many reasons it’s worthwhile and even rewarding to devote a bit of your time to ORCID. If used effectively, an  [Read more]