Update WUSM websites using information from Research Profiles

Research Profiles was updated at the beginning of the 2023-2024 academic year with profiles added for all new faculty members. All faculty members are encouraged to check their profiles and use the change request form to make updates and report any errors needing correction. 

A growing number of departments are choosing to reuse information from Research Profiles, linking to specific content directly from their webpages, instead of maintaining separate faculty profiles with overlapping information. One example of this can be seen on the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences website, where faculty names are hyperlinked to open their respective profile in Research Profiles. A similar approach is being used on the Institute for Informatics, Data Science & Biostatics website. In this case, hyperlinked text directing to the individual research profile is included on each faculty member’s page on the I2DB website. 

Instead of directing to the main profile page or profile Overview section, some groups are including a link to the Research output section of faculty profiles. An example of this can be seen on the Washington University Physician’s website where the “View research profile” text on physician profiles directs to the Research output section of the faculty member’s profile on Research Profiles. 

The Research output section is also where you will find the RSS feed for an individual author’s publications. Once copied, RSS links can be embedded into webpages equipped with RSS feed readers. RSS feeds with publication information for groups are available as well. The Department of Medicine’s publications page is utilizing RSS feeds from Research Profiles to dynamically update the page with recent publications for each of its divisions. 

Research Profiles is designed to help School of Medicine faculty and organizations showcase their research and enhance its visibility and discoverability. To learn more about Research Profiles, visit the Research Profiles Support pages to find examples of ways to use the site in the “How to Use Research Profiles” section or visit the links below:

·      Frequently asked questions about Research Profiles

·      Use Research Profiles to make your research stand out

·      A Look Inside Fingerprint Visualizations in Research Profiles

Additional questions about Research Profiles — including requests for customized presentations — can be sent to Laura Simon, research support librarian at Becker Library, at profiles@wustl.eduRequests for updated lists of faculty profile URLs for a division, section, or department are welcome as well.