A series of events highlighting trends in open science, open data and open access
Presented by Bernard Becker Medical Library and Washington University Libraries with sponsorship from the Digital Intelligence & Innovation (DI2) Accelerator
Schedule of Events
Medical Campus Scientific Publishing and Openness: Perspectives from InsidersOct. 1 | 3-4 p.m.| Connor Auditorium, Farrell Learning and Teaching Center
Janine Bijsterbosch, PhD Assistant Professor of Radiology Handling Editor, Imaging Neuroscience Carey-Ann Burnham, PhD Professor of Pathology and Immunology Founding Editor in Chief, ASM Case Reports Jay Piccirillo, MD Professor of Otolaryngology Editor in Chief, JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery Join us for this panel discussion to learn more about trends in public access, open access and publishing from WashU Medicine experts who serve in editorial roles for traditional and open access journals.
Watch recording » |
Virtual Being Open about OER: Perceptions, Use, and ImpactOct. 14 | 1-2 p.m.| Virtual
Dorris Scott, PhD Academic Director of Data Studies School of Continuing and Professional Studies Dr. Dorris Scott will describe the experience of adopting an open educational resource (OER) for a course, the motivation to adapt that OER, and the steps she took to manage an OER adaptation project.
Virtual How Open Science Can Advance Equity for People with DisabilitiesOct. 23 | 3-4 p.m.| Virtual
Bonnielin K. Swenor, PhD, MPH Endowed Professor of Disability Health and Justice
Director, Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center Johns Hopkins University This talk will discuss the ways open science approaches can improve access to science and research for people with disabilities. Topics will include the role of accessibility, importance of inclusive science policy, and actions we all can take to make science more disability inclusive. This event is presented in collaboration with the Center for Health and Science Communication at Becker Library. Watch recording » |
Danforth Campus Framing Public and Open-Access Scholarship for Professional AdvancementOct. 30 | 12-1:30 p.m.| Eads Hall, Room 217
Chris SchabergDirector of Public Scholarship
Elizabeth Schwartz Digital Publishing Manager Washington University Libraries Ambiguity about how non-traditional forms of academic publication, like public scholarship or open-access publications, “count” for tenure and promotion purposes can be a barrier to pursuing these valuable scholarly activities – but it doesn’t need to be. This seminar will provide strategies for how to frame such work and demonstrate its value to internal and external evaluators.