Connecting from Off-Campus

Remote/EZproxy Access to Library Resources 
[Off campus access]

WashU Medicine staff, faculty and students have remote access to Becker Library’s extensive collection of e-books, journals and databases from off the campus network.  It is advisable to start your search at and enter your WUSTLkey when prompted.  You will stay connected through the remainder of your browser session.  If you no longer seem connected, navigate back to the Becker library website and directly open the resource.
If you find a resource from some other site such as Google, the remote system won’t be aware of your request and you will not gain access. The BeckerProxy Bookmarklet is a browser extension that will reload a web page but will do so through the remote access system.  [Watch our YouTube video below]

Having trouble? 

Here are some things that may help:

  1. If you have forgotten your WUSTLkey password, visit WUSTL connect for help.
  2. To determine if you are connected to remote access, check the web address in your browser, if you see, you are connected.
  3. If you get an error message when trying to connect, try *clearing the browser cookies/cache or refreshing the web page.
  4. If you continue to get an error message, try a different browser.

Related issues:

  1. If your employment status has changed, you may no longer be eligible for remote access.
  2. Remote access may be blocked by the publisher if excessive downloading, such as data harvesting is detected [i.e., downloading 100 pdfs from one journal].
  3. If using VPN and library resources are not accessible, check that your IP address starts with 128.252 [you can Google “what’s my IP address”].  Try *clearing browser cookies and cache.
  4. It is possible you may find a resource that is not accessible – please help us by sending an AskBecker email with the resource title.

Watch Our YouTube Video – connecting and using a bookmarklet

*How to clear your browser cache:

Google Chrome


Safari on IPhone or IPad

Microsoft Edge

For further information, email us at