Do you have an idea for a wellness initiative that could benefit students, post-docs, residents and fellows? In partnership with the School of Medicine’s educational programs, Becker Medical Library offers micro-grants to fund projects that promote well-being among the campus community.
Since the program began in 2021, Feuerstein Health & Wellness Grants have funded:
- A student-hiking group called “Sunlight Catchers” that meets twice monthly to explore St. Louis parks (Contact: Shujuan Zhao at shujuanzhao@wustl.edu)
- A monthly Narrative Medicine group for residents and fellows that utilizes writing and storytelling as a means for self-reflection (Contact: Dr. Jordan Cole at Jordan.cole@wustl.edu)
- A DBBS student sustainability project, “Go Green for the Red,” that provides free, reusable menstruation products
- A WashU Healing Room book collection geared toward mental health and well-being (under development with the Department of Medicine)
For more details and application information, visit wellnessinfo.wustl.edu/feuerstein-grants and submit your idea.