
Join us at the Health Happening on Feb. 13

Stop by and see us at the School of Medicine’s annualĀ Health HappeningĀ on Tuesday, Feb.13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Eric P. Newman Education Center. We’re excited to discuss consumer health issues and resources with you! Below are links to a wealth of information for anyone interested in a variety of consumer health  [Read more]


It’s Health Literacy Month – Be a Health Literacy Hero!

Nine out of 10 adults struggle to understand and use health information when it is unfamiliar, complex and contains jargon. Limited health literacy costs the health care system money and results in higher-than-necessary morbidity and mortality. Yet ensuring patient materials and consent forms use plain, easily understood language sometimes falls through the cracks for busy  [Read more]


Health Literacy & Communication Roundup – March 2017

Patient portals are increasingly popular, but can patients understand the content? Check out this study that used the CDC's Clear Communication Index to measure the clarity of content on patient portals. If you're already sharing information on patient portals, ask how our Health Literacy & Plain Language Services can help you create easy-to-read materials to reach  [Read more]

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