Archives and Rare Books

Comrades in Science? U.S.-U.S.S.R. Exchanges in Health and Medicine

As the United States and the Soviet Union vied for global dominance during the Cold War, they also engaged in scientific and technical exchanges—including in the fields of health and medicine. These exchanges ranged from informal delegations to state-sponsored visits, and they often included scientists affiliated with universities and hospitals. Read more about how Washington  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Jerome R. Cox Jr. Papers Open for Research

Did you know the PC was invented at Washington University? Well, not that PC. The Programmed Console. In the spring of 1965, Jerome R. Cox Jr. and Wesley A. Clark co-taught a graduate course in computer design in which teams of students designed working computers. One student, V.W. “Bill” Gerth, also wrote an interactive radiation  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Mary Allen Wilkes

In 2015, the Heinz Nixdorf Museum in Paderborn, Germany, opened an exhibition honoring women in computing. In addition to pioneers like Ada Lovelace, the museum recognized the contributions of Mary Allen Wilkes, whose work at MIT and Washington University was essential to the development of the Laboratory Instrument Computer (LINC) then on display at the  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

“There is no health equivalent of ARPA”: Biomedical Computing during the Cold War

In February 1974, Dr. Jerome Cox, Jr., gave a speech at his alma mater, MIT, which asked, “Why Don’t We Have a Medical-Industrial Complex”? While the use of technology in medicine had certainly progressed since the 1950s, he suggested “a gap exists between expectations and accomplishments,” noting “[t]hings haven’t moved as they have in the  [Read more]