Becker Medical Library has released an enhanced database to help users explore and discover our archival collections. The new Becker Archives Database includes over 18,000 digital images from our visual collections.
The new database allows users to browse and keyword search across all of our archival collections, then filter search results by date, subject, language, or collection. Researchers may also limit results to show only digital objects.
By using the “My Requests” feature, researchers may now request to see items in person in the Becker Archives Reading Room, or they may order digital scans of the items instead according to our fee schedule. The new requesting feature allows users to send up to 25 requests or digital orders at a time to the archives staff.
In total, there are over 150,000 archival description records in the new database, making it a robust research tool for users to dive deep into our collections. The new database allows users to see how our collections are organized at a glance via the “treeview” feature, and then quickly discover what is preserved within each archival box and folder.
The release of the new Becker Archives Database was made possible by Dr. Paul Anderson, a former archivist at Washington University School of Medicine. Dr. Anderson’s generosity will allow users to search Becker Library’s archival collections anywhere an internet connection is available.

Image use is encouraged – see our Rights and Permissions page for more. Higher-resolution images are available upon request.