Questions about Research Profiles? Check out the new information webpages

Additional information about Research Profiles has been added to the Becker Library website at  

Students, staff and faculty — as well as visitors from outside the Washington University community — are encouraged to consult these pages to learn about ways to use Research Profiles.   

The main page provides an overview of the site starting from the homepage, and introduces the Network Map, Fingerprint visualizations, and content pages including faculty profiles, department and organizational profiles, and research outputs.    

Examples of ways to use the site, including visual guides demonstrating how to navigate within the resource, can be found in the “How to Use Research Profiles” section.   

The second page, Types of Information in Research Profiles, provides details about the specific sections found on a faculty or department profile page, including Overview, Fingerprint, Network, Research output, Profiles and Similar Profiles.   

The Overview section lists options for types of interest statements that can be added to a faculty profile page including Research interests, Clinical interests, Mentoring, and Education activities and interests. For each of the interest statements, recommendations about what to include in each type of statement are included as well.   

The FAQs have also been revised to reflect updated policies and processes after the university’s migration to WorkDay.   

Additional questions about Research Profiles — including requests for customized presentations — can be sent to Laura Simon, research support librarian at Becker Library, at   

Related links:  

Research Profiles is sponsored by the Office of the Dean, Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences (ICTS) and School of Medicine departments.