Have you ever struggled to understand something and wished you could just watch someone do the experiment or procedure? Have you ever needed more information on a biomedical topic and wanted an online lecture from an expert? Becker Library provides several resources with videos and online lectures to help.
Becker library now provides access to all JoVE Research videos including the new JoVE Encyclopedia of Experiments. JoVE’s 13,000+ video protocols can be used to enhance your biomedical research and training.  Content can be accessed 24/7 and there are text translations.

AccessMedicine and ClinicalKey provide users with general procedural videos.
Other resources provide users with topical procedural videos.
- Emergency Medicine videos in AccessEmergency Medicine
- Neurology videos in AccessNeurology
- Surgery videos in AccessSurgery

- Neurosurgery videos from Thieme MedOne Neurosurgery
- Otolaryngology videos from Thieme MedOne Otolaryngology


Users interested in a refresher or introduction to a biomedical or life sciences topic may be interested in The Henry Stewart Talks. This resource provides immediate access to over 2,000 specially prepared, animated, seminar-style, online lectures narrated by world leading experts. All contents are regularly reviewed and updated and new lectures are added every month.
Lecture series provide introductions to topics, such as the Introduction to Human Genetics and Genomics Lectures. And current topics are covered such as the lecture Lessons from U.S.COVID hospital crisis.
Draw it to Know it Neuroanatomy provides a unique method to learn Neuroanatomy through tutorials that encourage drawing to help learn the topic. Just added are video lectures.