
Introducing the Becker Archives and Rare Books Newsletter

Becker Medical Library's Archives and Rare Books Division has recently launched an email newsletter compiling recent stories from the Becker website and Tumblr. Check out the inaugural edition online and don't forget to sign up below to receive future editions in your inbox monthly! This is a fun way to showcase interesting finds from our rare  [Read more]


Staff Picks for Summer Reading

In celebration of today’s summer solstice, we’re sharing some staff suggestions for your summer reading list. These titles are mostly biomedically related (at least to some degree) but have considerably more poolside reading potential than the average journal article. Happy summer reading!

Staff News

Becker Librarians Share Expertise at MLA Conference

Several Becker Library staff members attended the Medical Library Association (MLA) conference May 26-31 in Seattle and took an active role in sharing their knowledge with colleagues through a variety of presentations.


Librarian Co-Authors Article on WUSM Global Health Pathway Collaboration

Becker Medical Librarian Angela Hardi has co-authored an article with Rupa Patel, MD, the director of the Global Health Pathway in Internal Medicine, about their project to introduce library resources and services to the Washington University School of Medicine Global Health Scholars Pathway. Becker librarian Michelle Doering is also named as a co-author for her  [Read more]

Staff News

Becker Librarian to be Honored with Barnes-Jewish Hospital “The Friends of Nursing Award”

Barnes-Jewish Hospital has selected Laura Simon, a clinical librarian at Becker Medical Library, as a 2017 recipient of The Friends of Nursing Award. She will be formally recognized at the 22nd Annual Nursing Awards and Recognition Ceremony on May 10 as part of an annual Nurses’ Week recognition program. Simon joined Becker Medical Library in  [Read more]


Edible Book Festival

We’re pleased to announce that Becker Medical Library’s first-ever Edible Book Festival will take place on Monday, April 24!

Staff News

Becker Librarian Quoted in Science Article on Measuring Academic Performance

Cathy Sarli, a senior librarian at Becker Medical Library who focuses on scholarly publishing support, is quoted in a feature titled “New tools for measuring academic performance” published in the February 10, 2017, issue of Science. Sarli specializes in analyzing the impact of research and is a principal author of the Becker Model for Assessing Research  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Round-up January 2017

Read about the revised ICMJE recommendations for authors, the new NIH Research Commitment Index, 100 Metrics to Assess and Communicate the Value of Biomedical Research, and more.


Announcing Cross-Campus Access to Wiley E-Journals

Becker Medical Library and Washington University Libraries working together have successfully negotiated a license agreement with Wiley Publishing that, for the first time, allows university-wide access to all of the Wiley electronic journals subscribed to by either Becker Library or University Libraries. Students, faculty and staff on both the Danforth and Medical School campuses may now access a combined total of 490 Wiley e-journals, including archived e-journal backfiles. The joint agreement has not only expanded the resources available to both campuses but also saved money by allowing the elimination of 29 duplicate subscriptions.


Glaser Gallery Grand Opening and 56th Historia Medica Lecture

On February 16, 2017, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm, Bernard Becker Medical Library and the Center for History Of Medicine will present the 56th Historia Medica Lecture, “Books and Bodies: 500 Years of Printing Medical Texts,” followed by a grand opening reception in the newly renovated Glaser Gallery. The event is free and open to the  [Read more]

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