
NCBI is Transitioning to Federated Credentials in June 2021

NCBI will be transitioning from NCBI-managed login credentials to federated account login credentials managed by eRA Commons, Google or by a university point of access (WUSTL Key).  NCBI-managed login credentials currently allow users to login to their MyNCBI portal for resources such as PubMed, My Bibliography, and SciENcv. NCBI-managed login credentials also allow users to  [Read more]

Science and Informatics

Preparing for the costs of data management and sharing plans

Data management and sharing plans are becoming a more common requirement from funders. The NSF requires a data management plan (DMP) for grant submissions, which includes a section describing how data will be shared. The NIH has released a draft of a data management and sharing policy that, when implemented, will require a description of  [Read more]

Science and Informatics

The Case for Open Data

Last week, Becker Library premiered a new video, “The Case for Open Data,” during Open Access Week. The video features three researchers discussing the value and benefit of open science, open data and open access on their work. Scientists may be more or less familiar with these “open” concepts depending on their specialty as well  [Read more]

Science and Informatics

Use Validated Data Collection Instruments and Avoid Reinventing the Wheel

Data collection instruments such as surveys, questionnaires and intake forms that have been rigorously tested for validity often exist but are not always easy to find. Using existing validated instruments reduces duplication of effort, promotes harmonization of data collection standards, adds credibility to results and allows for comparison of results across studies. Options for locating  [Read more]

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