New mentorship search filters have been added to Research Profiles, making it easier for students and trainees to find faculty willing to mentor at the School of Medicine.
To find mentors at the School of Medicine, select Profiles from the Research Profiles homepage.

Use the Mentorship for filter on the left-hand side to refine the list to display profiles of those willing to mentor students and researchers of various career stages and academic levels. The Concepts and Research Units filters refine the list of mentors and explore their areas of expertise.

Click the export search results option to save the list of potential mentors.

Click on a faculty member’s name to view their profile, learn about their personal interests, and see their recent publications and collaborators.
A faculty member’s willingness to mentor, as well as the mentee groups they are willing to advise will appear in the top area of their profile, below their photo, title and affiliation information.
If provided, information about specific mentorship programs, projects, training, and experiences appears in the mentorship statement section of a mentor profile.

If you would like to be included in the list of mentors, use the Research Profiles Change Request form to update your profile with mentoring information.
Select “I am willing to mentor” and indicate “Who are you willing to Mentor?” Then use the mentoring statement section to describe your experience as a mentor, types of guidance you will provide, as well as information about specific mentoring programs you are involved with.
To learn more about Research Profiles, what it can do for you or what you can update on your profile, visit the links below:
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