Popular eBooks + added features
The Becker Medical library provides eBooks from many different publishers on a number of websites with useful added features.
The Becker Medical library provides eBooks from many different publishers on a number of websites with useful added features.
According to the Scopus database, authors from WUSM published approximately 2,300 peer-reviewed journal articles in 2015. The top five journals were PLoS ONE, PNAS, the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network, and the Journal of Immunology.
Dr. Moon joined the faculty at Washington University School of Medicine in 1998 and was promoted to Professor of Surgery in 2005. In 2014 he was honored as the John M. Shoenberg Chair in Cardiothoracic Disease.
Some of the most fascinating objects in the CID-Max A. Goldstein Collection in Speech and Hearing are works that contain examples of early modern manual alphabets. One of the most significant of these is Juan Pablo Bonet’s Reduction de las letras, y arte para enseñar a ablar los mudos (Simplification of the Letters of the [Read more]
Park Jerauld White was born to Sophia Banker White and Park Jerauld White in Green Ridge, Staten Island on December 31, 1891. He entered Harvard College in 1909, after attending Staten Island Academy (Harvard College Class of 1913; 1917).
During the 2015 fiscal year Bernard Becker Medical Library continued to provide a world-class collection of information resources and services to the Washington University Medical Center and St. Louis communities.
A scientist from Qiagen will be on campus to lead an Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (IPA) software training workshop on December 3rd.
NIH biosketches are subject to two reviews for rule compliance: automatic preliminary review by eRA Systems upon initial submission and manual review.
Between holiday parties at work, family get-togethers, and celebrations with friends, the months of November, December, and January can be lots of fun. However, all those festivities can also present challenges.
On December 2nd, 2015 Becker Library’s Archives and Rare Books will host its annual display of rare anatomical atlases from 1:00pm–4:00pm in the King Center.