With continued funding from the Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences, Office of the Dean, and School of Medicine departments, Becker Library led further development and support of the Research Profiles at Washington University School of Medicine platform as the project entered its second year.

Significant second-year enhancements to Research Profiles included:
- Adding instructors, bringing the total number of profiles up to 2,500.
- Adding a research support librarian position to provide direct support for faculty, gather feedback, and work with the vendor on system enhancements and data quality management.
- Adding lab website links and ORCID IDs.
- Integrating an “areas of clinical interest” section that links to the WUPhysicians Directory and a link to direct visitors looking for practice information for clinical faculty.
- Creating a new, simplified change request form for additions or changes to photos, lab website links, names, research or clinical interests, and corrections to publication information.
Response time for update requests was significantly improved with the addition of a dedicated research support librarian in spring 2020 – over 100 in April and June alone, and usually within the same day.
Many groups on campus are looking to leverage Research Profiles in a variety of ways. During the last quarter of FY20 alone, five departments contacted the Profiles team to explore potential collaborations and projects using the system. The team has also been able to accelerate desired enhancements, including links to lab websites and ORCID IDs.
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