It is easy to lose sight of all that Becker Library accomplished before the pandemic hit, but those accomplishments should not be overshadowed.
We held events – in person! – with popular speakers and educational topics, including new programming like the Open October series around open science, open data, and open access, and the Love Data Week series in February around data and research computing topics.
We strengthened partnerships with the Institute for Informatics, Institute for Clinical and Translational Sciences, and Washington University Libraries.
We made critical improvements to user access and experience as well as to our technical infrastructure.
And then the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic that hit during the last quarter of the year ending June 30, 2020, caused a massive shift both in how we work and in how our patrons work and learn.
It is remarkable how much is different now while in many ways our daily work remains unchanged. The Becker Library team did an outstanding job pivoting and continuing to provide faculty, staff, and students with essential resources and services for their important work. At the same time we were able to expand remote access to resources to meet new virtual working and learning needs, and connect the campus community with resources and tools to support the university’s fight against COVID-19 on the clinical and research fronts.
While the pandemic has significantly complicated all of our lives, Becker Library’s commitment to excellence in both services and resources remains constant. Tell us how we can help you and we will find a way.

Paul Schoening
Director, Becker Medical Library