Scholarly Publishing

Increasing Accessibility to Scholarly Materials

The Washington University Open Access Resolution, passed in 2011, encourages faculty to make its scholarship and creative works freely and easily available to the world community. Faculty members are encouraged to seek venues for their works that share this ideal. What can authors do? Practice Open Science principles to promote transparent and accessible knowledge.[i] Publish a journal  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Round-up August 2020

Becker Medical Library and Washington University Libraries recently renewed their contract with Elsevier and as part of the renewal process, corresponding authors from WUSTL are entitled to a 25% discount on article processing charges (APCs) for most Elsevier journals. Eligible titles include over 2,000 Elsevier-owned journals, with the exception of Cell Press and The Lancet,  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

New Preprint Guide from Becker Library

COVID-19 has spurred an increase in preprints which are a means of sharing research findings prior to formal peer review. Preprints related to COVID-19 are being posted to preprint repositories at a rapid rate. As of March 24, 2020, there were 738 preprints in medRxiv and bioRxiv related to the COVID-19 virus; as of this  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Browse WashUMed’s digital repository from anywhere

Digital Commons@Becker is a great resource for research, especially because it can be accessed remotely! Digital Commons@Becker is the medical school’s repository containing scholarly works such as journal articles, meeting abstracts, posters, newsletters, videos, annual reports and other materials produced by School of Medicine faculty and staff. There are over 14,000 works in Digital Commons@Becker. The  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Round-up June 2020

Learn more about the new NIH Preprint pilot project in PubMed Central, other news about preprints, DORA, and more. NIH Preprint Pilot Project in PubMed Central The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is preparing to launch a pilot project to test the viability of making preprints resulting from NIH-funded research available via PubMed Central (PMC).  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

COVID-19 Preprints and Publications

With the advent of COVID-19 there has been an uptick of preprints and other publications along with efforts by publishers and vendors to share research materials such as journal articles, books and book chapters, data sets, etc. Preprints related to COVID-19 are being posted to preprint repositories at a rapid rate. As of March 24,  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Round-up November 2019

Learn more about the revised version of NCBI My Bibliography, a look at 150 years of scientific works from Nature, and a new policy on preprints from Nature Springer. A new version (version 3.0) of NCBI My Bibliography was launched in May and includes a new interface. Features include a color-coded view of compliance status,  [Read more]

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