Becker Blog

Mastering Information

Save time by picking up materials from other libraries at Becker

Want a resource from Olin Library but don’t have time to trek over to the Danforth Campus to fetch it? Need a book from the Brown School, but don’t want to pay for interlibrary loan? Then simply use Becker Medical Library as your preferred pickup location for material from all Washington University campus libraries.   Search for  [Read more]

Mastering Information, Science and Informatics

Introducing MDClone version 6

The WashU instance of MDClone, recently upgraded to version 6, offers a more intuitive and compact user interface than previous versions.

Archives and Rare Books

Medicine and literature: Using medical humanities to enrich our professional lives

The Center for the History of Medicine is pleased to announce the eighth year of the reading group ‘Medicine and literature: Using medical humanities to enrich our professional lives’. This free program is open to the faculty and staff of Washington University, Barnes-Jewish Hospital, St. Louis Children’s Hospital, and the Goldfarb School of Nursing.


Welcome, new students

Whether you’re new to WashU or returning to campus, Bernard Becker Medical Library is here to assist you with your education and research needs. Here are some of the resources and services we provide.

Archives and Rare Books

Travel Scholarships Available for Archives and Rare Books Collections Use

Bernard Becker Medical Library is fortunate to have robust collections in archives and rare books that document the history of medicine from the late 15th century up to the present. Subjects in which the library’s holdings are particularly strong include ophthalmology and optics, neurology, deaf education, and the history of dentistry. In order to encourage  [Read more]

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