Becker Blog

Archives and Rare Books

1914 Rare Book Donation Tied to Influential Doc

William Osler (1849-1919) is one of the most influential figures in North American medicine. After earning his MD from McGill University in 1872, he spent two years studying abroad in London, Berlin and Vienna before returning to McGill to teach. He remained at McGill until 1884, when he accepted the chair of clinical medicine at  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Invitation to Submit a Manuscript for Peer Review: What Should Authors Do?

Authors on campus report they are receiving emails inviting them to submit a manuscript for peer review. Some invitations may be from credible journals; others may be from unscrupulous journals seeking to exploit authors. In most instances, an invited publication is solicited by one’s peers and known colleagues, and from an established journal.


Becker Library Releases its Strategic Vision, “Foundation for the Future”

Becker Medical Library has recently completed its strategic planning process and is proud to unveil its Foundation for the Future report. This is the culmination of many conversations with faculty; research, clinical and administrative staff; and students to gain insights on how the library can better meet their needs. The report describes six strategies that will guide the library’s development of resources and services in the upcoming years. 


Join us at the Health Happening on Feb. 13

Stop by and see us at the School of Medicine’s annual Health Happening on Tuesday, Feb.13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Eric P. Newman Education Center. We’re excited to discuss consumer health issues and resources with you! Below are links to a wealth of information for anyone interested in a variety of consumer health  [Read more]


Notable African-Americans in Science & Technology Poster Series

American innovation is richer due to the many contributions of African-American scientists and inventors. From Colonial times through today, African-Americans and others from the African diaspora have contributed to advancements in the natural, formal and social sciences. Washington University School of Medicine is pleased to highlight a few of these pioneers leading the way in  [Read more]

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