Becker Blog

Archives and Rare Books

A History of The Jewish Hospital of St. Louis Now on Display

Over 100 years of history are now on display on the seventh floor of Bernard Becker Medical Library. The exhibit “‘Skill, tenderly applied, works wonders’ – A History of The Jewish Hospital of St. Louis” is open now through August 31* in the library’s Glaser Gallery. Founded in 1902, the Jewish Hospital of St. Louis  [Read more]

Mastering Information

5-Minute Clinical Consult Now Available on the uCentral App and Website

More than 450 members of the medical center community have downloaded the Unbound Medicine uCentral mobile app and gained anytime, anywhere access to The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics and the Johns Hopkins Antibiotic Guide.  Now we are pleased to announce that a third trusted medical title is available, 5-Minute Clinical Consult.  If you currently use the uCentral app  [Read more]


Second Floor Closes for Renovation on May 22

Starting the week of May 22, Becker Medical Library's second floor will close for renovation. After renovation, this floor will house the Registrar's Office, the Office of Student Affairs, and Student Financial Aid, and will also contain a large conference room. The renovation will include a renewal of the study space above the information services  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Read by QxMD Institutional Version Now Available

We are happy to announce that the institutional version of the Read by QxMD app is now available through Becker Medical Library. During March 2017, we hosted a trial of the journal reading app which was a great success, and we received positive feedback from many users. The Read by QxMD app allows you to  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Remembering V-E Day: May 8, 1945

Victory in Europe Day, more commonly known as V-E Day, is celebrated each year to commemorate Germany’s unconditional surrender to the Allies near the end of World War II on May 8, 1945. Several hundred members of Washington University Medical Center community were serving in the U.S. armed forces on V-E Day, many of them attached to  [Read more]


Librarian Co-Authors Article on WUSM Global Health Pathway Collaboration

Becker Medical Librarian Angela Hardi has co-authored an article with Rupa Patel, MD, the director of the Global Health Pathway in Internal Medicine, about their project to introduce library resources and services to the Washington University School of Medicine Global Health Scholars Pathway. Becker librarian Michelle Doering is also named as a co-author for her  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

An Army Nurse Sounds Off on Basic Training and the OR, 1944

Lola Mae Baird Mathews was an operating room supervisor at Barnes Hospital from 1939-1943. In 1943, her last summer at Barnes Hospital, she worked hard at a course in chemistry at Washington University in St. Louis, because she wanted to earn a degree. Still, it seems her considerable knowledge failed to earn her the respect  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Selecting a Journal for Publication – New Online Guide and Presentations Available

Recently the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) revised its instructions for authors stating that "authors have a responsibility to evaluate the integrity, history, practices and reputation of the journals to which they submit manuscripts.” The new instruction specifically calls out so-called predatory journals and decisively puts the onus on the author to be  [Read more]

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