Becker Blog

Staff News

Becker Librarian Quoted in Science Article on Measuring Academic Performance

Cathy Sarli, a senior librarian at Becker Medical Library who focuses on scholarly publishing support, is quoted in a feature titled “New tools for measuring academic performance” published in the February 10, 2017, issue of Science. Sarli specializes in analyzing the impact of research and is a principal author of the Becker Model for Assessing Research  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Hair of the Dog

There are a number of home remedies that claim to cure hangovers. Greasy breakfasts, black coffee, and attempting to sleep it off all come to mind.


Travel Scholarships Available for Archives and Rare Books Collections Use

The Bernard Becker Medical Library is fortunate to have robust collections in archives and rare books that document the history of medicine from the late 15th century up to the present. Subjects in which the library’s holdings are particularly strong include ophthalmology and optics, neurology, deaf education, and the history of dentistry. In order to encourage researchers living more than 100 miles from St. Louis to use these collections, Becker Library will offer two grants annually of up to $1,000 each to help defray the costs of travel, lodging, food and photo reproductions. Covered expenses will be reimbursed at the conclusion of the visit.

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Round-up January 2017

Read about the revised ICMJE recommendations for authors, the new NIH Research Commitment Index, 100 Metrics to Assess and Communicate the Value of Biomedical Research, and more.

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