Becker Blog

Archives and Rare Books

Too Many Cooks Spoil the Broth: Applicants for the Position of Barnes Hospital Chef

In the months leading up to Barnes Hospital’s opening, L.C. Smith, the hospital superintendent, was kept busy fielding letters from job seekers. People throughout the region had heard of the “great institution” that had been built on Kingshighway, and knew that the large, new hospital would soon be in need of housekeepers, laundry workers, stenographers, and orderlies to keep it running. Amidst the pile of applications, the letters of two men offering their credentials for the position of hospital chef stand out from the others.


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Welcome new residents and fellows! Becker Medical Library is here to assist you with your information needs. Here is some helpful information about library resources:

Scholarly Publishing

Relative Citation Ratio (RCR)

The Relative Citation Ratio (RCR) was recently released by the NIH Office of Portfolio Analysis and is intended to measure citation impact by field and timing of publication.

1 52 53 54 55 56 62