
Announcing a new and transformative 4-year open access deal with Elsevier

Washington University Libraries and Bernard Becker Medical Library announce a new and transformative open access agreement with Elsevier, spanning from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2027, that provides access to additional journal content, makes it free to read and share, and offers WashU authors open access publishing at no cost.

Scholarly Publishing

Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press to waive or discount Article Processing Charges for open access publications

Becker Medical Library and Washington University Libraries are pleased to announce a new transformative license agreement with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press (CSHLP) — a nonprofit publisher of leading research journals in molecular biology, genetics, and related fields. The agreement allows for a full waiver of Article Processing Charges (APCs) for a limited number of  [Read more]

Announcements, Scholarly Publishing

Microbiology Society to waive article processing charges for open access publications

Becker Medical Library and Washington University Libraries are pleased to announce a new Publish and Read agreement for journals published by the Microbiology Society. The agreement allows Washington University corresponding authors a full waiver of Article Processing Charges (APCs) to publish their works under a Creative Commons (CC-BY) Open Access license as of January 1,  [Read more]

Mastering Information

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When searching for a specific journal or e-book in the Electronic Resources portal, you can search by various title options, ISBN/ISSN, or a specific DOI or PMID number.