Mastering Information, Science and Informatics

How to Use RStudio Projects to Structure R Working Directories

RStudio is a popular integrated development environment (IDE) with several point-and-click features that make using the R programming language and software environment easier. It works on multiple Operating Systems (OS) including Windows, macOS, Linux, and the online RStudio Cloud version. How R interacts with directories and the OS is very important. The current working directory  [Read more]

Mastering Information

How to Access Popular Medical Apps Through Becker Library

Did you know you can access many of the most popular medical apps through Becker Library? Here are some you can use without purchasing a personal license:  UpToDate: A point-of-care resource with updated clinical summaries. (UpToDate access is provided by BJC)  UnBound Medicine/UCentral: Access The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, The Johns Hopkins ABX Guide, and 5 Minute Consult, all from  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Tips for Accessing Becker Resources from Anywhere

Becker Medical Library subscribes to a wealth of online books, journals and databases, but because publisher agreements usually restrict usage to authorized campus users, your access will always depend on where you are and your type of network connection. Libraries recognize that their users need to be able to access materials while off-campus or when  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Keep it simple when communicating about COVID-19

In the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the general public has been asked to learn many public health terms. “Novel virus,” “social distancing” and “contact tracing” are now part of our everyday language. Meanwhile, we know that the average adult struggles to understand health information. But it is even more complex when communicating about a  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Get EndNote help via Zoom

Becker Library’s resident EndNote expert, Coordinator of Education Services Kim Lipsey, is available to meet one-on-one via Zoom for EndNote troubleshooting and assistance – simply contact her at to set up an appointment. She is available to answer any EndNote-related questions you may have. Examples of issues Kim has helped with include: How do I link references  [Read more]

Mastering Information

PubMed transitions to new interface

The new PubMed interface that became available to use late last year became the default version of PubMed on May 18. The older or “legacy” version of PubMed will still be available to use for a short period of time, but will eventually be phased out. If you haven’t tried the new PubMed interface you  [Read more]

Mastering Information

EndNote Users: Grab full-text articles while working remotely

EndNote can locate full-text files on the web by using data stored in your references. Once found, EndNote downloads and attaches the files to the references. To add this feature to your EndNote software, follow the instructions below. In order to achieve a higher rate of full-text retrieval, you will need to establish a My  [Read more]

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