Becker Blog

Announcements, Science and Informatics

Becker Library to expand data management and sharing services

Starting with the Jan. 25, 2023, grant cycle, all NIH grant submissions will be required to include a two-page data management and sharing plan. The plan outlines how the investigator will store, protect, and ultimately share research data generated from NIH funds. In response to this new NIH requirement, as well as growing data management  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Round-up October 2021

Learn more about our keynote address for Open October 2021, the future of annual meetings, a new practice guideline: Communication of Retractions, Removals, and Expressions of Concern (CORREC), and more. The Evolution of Preprints in the Life Sciences As part of Open October 2021, please join us for “The Evolution of Preprints in the Life  [Read more]

Health and Science Communication

Key takeaways from #SciComm Week

Becker Library recently hosted its first #SciComm Week to launch its new Center for Health and Science Communication. Three exceptional science communicators shared their expertise for the series. Here are a few highlights from the presentations. Transforming Slide Design Melissa Marshall, Founder of Present Your Science, kicked off the week by sharing the assertion-evidence slide design  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Extend due dates and create reading lists with MyCatalog

Logging into the library catalog with the MyCatalog feature allows you to extend due dates for checked-out materials and create reading lists or preferred searches. To explore these features, go to the library catalog and click the My Catalog tab. Here you will log in using your WUSTL Key. After logging in, you will see  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing


All students and researchers should sign up for an ORCID digital identifier.   ORCID is a non-profit organization that provides the Open Researcher and Contributor ID, allowing faculty, researchers, and students to register for a unique identifier. The ORCID iD is a unique, persistent identifier, free of charge to researchers. It is a non-propriety means of establishing your  [Read more]


Becker launches Center for Health and Science Communication

Becker Library and the Office of Health Information and Data Science are pleased to announce the launch of the Center for Health and Science Communication in order to support the campus community in these increasingly essential competencies. The new center was created in collaboration with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Medical Education, Office  [Read more]

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