Becker Blog

Archives and Rare Books

Traces of book owners past

Do you leave marks on your books? Maybe underline a few key words, put an asterisk next to an important passage, or jot down a quick summary of a point you want to remember? If you do, no worries – people have been writing in their books for centuries! Today, we’re going to look at  [Read more]

Mastering Information

New Guide to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources

Becker Medical Library has created a new Guide to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Resources. The guide allows users to browse Becker Library’s growing collection of DEI-related books, many curated through the Feuerstein Health and Wellness Information Center, as well as links to organizations, articles and videos grouped under headings like “Anti-Racism,” “LGBTQIA+,” “People with Disabilities,”  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

The origin story and impact of Queeny Tower

Becker Medical Library’s visual collection archivist, Philip Skroska, leads a walking tour through time in this brief history of Queeny Tower, a long-time landmark at the Washington University Medical Center, currently being demolished.

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Round-up June 2021

Learn more about upcoming login changes to eRA Commons accounts, the new Science Advisor for the White House, PMC Labs, and more. As of September 2021, NIH/eRA and its partner agencies will require all external users to only use to access eRA’s external modules including Commons, Commons Mobile, IAR and ASSIST. For more information  [Read more]

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