Becker Blog


Statement on Racial Discrimination and Inequities

At Becker Library we recognize that we have a responsibility to work to end racial discrimination and inequities. We are committed to exposing racism and taking action to foster equity, inclusivity, and diversity within our library and our community. We strive to be a catalyst for knowledge and discovery in a manner that is inclusive of all  [Read more]


Search All WashU Libraries Resources at Once Starting July 1

On July 1, 2020, Bernard Becker Medical Library and Washington University Libraries will integrate our respective catalogs, making both collections searchable from one platform for the first time. Users will notice a new look and feel starting when the Becker Library catalog changes platforms on July 1, but should not expect any changes beyond scope  [Read more]

Scholarly Publishing

Scholarly Publishing Round-up June 2020

Learn more about the new NIH Preprint pilot project in PubMed Central, other news about preprints, DORA, and more. NIH Preprint Pilot Project in PubMed Central The National Library of Medicine (NLM) is preparing to launch a pilot project to test the viability of making preprints resulting from NIH-funded research available via PubMed Central (PMC).  [Read more]

Mastering Information

PubMed transitions to new interface

The new PubMed interface that became available to use late last year became the default version of PubMed on May 18. The older or “legacy” version of PubMed will still be available to use for a short period of time, but will eventually be phased out. If you haven’t tried the new PubMed interface you  [Read more]

Mastering Information

EndNote Users: Grab full-text articles while working remotely

EndNote can locate full-text files on the web by using data stored in your references. Once found, EndNote downloads and attaches the files to the references. To add this feature to your EndNote software, follow the instructions below. In order to achieve a higher rate of full-text retrieval, you will need to establish a My  [Read more]

Science and Informatics

Research Computing Resources During COVID-19

The new Research Infrastructure Services (RIS) Scientific Compute Platform is a high performance computing resource open to all WashU researchers. Billing for services will be waived until FY22 to give researchers time to use the service and budget for usage. Recordings of the April compute platform training sessions are available via WUSTL Box. See the  [Read more]


Research Profiles Updated for 2020

Development has been ongoing throughout the winter and spring after Research Profiles, the faculty profile and research information platform for the School of Medicine piloted in 2019, was renewed in January for a second year. Existing School of Medicine faculty profiles were recently updated, and approximately 500 new profiles were added. We’ve also made several  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Easily access articles on mobile devices with the Read by QxMD app

Becker Library provides institutional access to the Read by QxMD mobile app. It allows users to browse journals, search for articles, and seamlessly download articles as PDFs, by using a Becker Proxy to connect to the library’s resource subscriptions. All School of Medicine faculty and staff currently have access to the Becker Proxy (remote access)  [Read more]

Archives and Rare Books

Paracelsus and Prophesy as a Coping Mechanism

These are unprecedented times. For many, if not most of us, the past several weeks have been marked by anxiety and uncertainty. While this experience is far from pleasant, it is also deeply human. The course of human history has never run smoothly, and each century has seen its share of disasters. The 16th century  [Read more]

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