Becker Blog


Announcing Cross-Campus Access to Wiley E-Journals

Becker Medical Library and Washington University Libraries working together have successfully negotiated a license agreement with Wiley Publishing that, for the first time, allows university-wide access to all of the Wiley electronic journals subscribed to by either Becker Library or University Libraries. Students, faculty and staff on both the Danforth and Medical School campuses may now access a combined total of 490 Wiley e-journals, including archived e-journal backfiles. The joint agreement has not only expanded the resources available to both campuses but also saved money by allowing the elimination of 29 duplicate subscriptions.

Archives and Rare Books

The Clover Ball: A 30-Year Tradition

A fairyland with hundreds of pale pink blossoms and twinkling lights,” raved the St. Louis Globe-Democrat in January 1962, describing the transformation of the Hotel Chase’s Khorassan Room for the first Jewish Hospital Auxiliary Clover Ball.


Glaser Gallery Grand Opening and 56th Historia Medica Lecture

On February 16, 2017, from 4:30 to 6:30 pm, Bernard Becker Medical Library and the Center for History Of Medicine will present the 56th Historia Medica Lecture, “Books and Bodies: 500 Years of Printing Medical Texts,” followed by a grand opening reception in the newly renovated Glaser Gallery. The event is free and open to the  [Read more]


50×50 Missouri Poster Exhibition

Becker Medical Library will host a pop-up exhibit of "50×50: Recovering the Classics," a crowd-sourced collection of cover artwork of famous books that promotes interest in classical literature to a new generation. Twenty posters will be on display at the School of Medicine from January 6 through January 27,  2017 – in Becker Medical Library and in FLTC from January 6 through January 13, 2017. This 50 x 50 Missouri project was student-initiated and is supported by Washington University Libraries. Many of the works in the 50×50 Missouri project were created by Washington University students, faculty and local artists.

Mastering Information

Happy and Healthy New Year

It’s that time of year again! As we merge into 2017, many Americans will start to think about new directions for the upcoming year.  New Year’s Resolutions are more well-known for their short lives rather than for their success. An oft-quoted study from 2002 found that only 8% of the study participants were successful in achieving their resolutions.1

Archives and Rare Books

Santa Claus in the Operating Room

In 1930, Vilray P. Blair, MD, the founder of the plastic surgery program at Washington University School of Medicine, was planning his new operating room in the surgical wing of Barnes Hospital. Blair was world-renowned for his work on the most difficult cases, and still did a considerable amount of surgeries on children under local anesthetic. Many of the children brought into the operating room awake were terrified. He hoped to find a way to comfort them and help them relax during the operations.

Mastering Information

Check Out the 2016 BMJ Christmas Issue

Every year the British Medical Journal (BMJ) includes a series of witty, light-hearted, or simply thought-provoking articles and editorials in their holiday issue.

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