Becker Blog

Announcements, Science and Informatics

Virtual office hours

Weekly office hours sessions resume Tuesday, July 12, 2022, from 10 a.m.–12 p.m.


WUIT Software Licensing’s Requests Moved to ServiceNow

Washington University Information Technology’s (WUIT) Software Licensing team manages site licenses for a variety of software to offer campus-wide access free of charge or at a discounted cost.   Effective June 2, 2022, WUIT’s Software requests have moved to ServiceNow, the platform for WUIT support and requests for services. Going forward all students, faculty and staff at WashU can  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Resource Spotlight: New journals in 2022

Becker Library now provides students, staff and faculty access to: Addiction Biology Bipolar Disorders Current Developmental Disorders Reports European Journal of Pain Evidence-Based Mental Health Haemophilia Injury Prevention Journal of Attention Disorders Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology Nature Aging Nature Reviews Disease Primers Nature Reviews Methods Primers NEJM Catalyst Innovations in Care Delivery NEJM Evidence  [Read more]

Mastering Information

LGBTQ Books at Becker

Becker Library strives to house a collection that supports and reflects the diversity of our community. The Feuerstein Health & Wellness Information Center collection (located in the atrium of Becker Library) includes a number of LGBTQ resources in both electronic and print format, including recent additions suggested by the education subcommittee of OUTmed.  Below is  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Embase now provides article preprints from MedRXiv and BioRXiv

Embase now provides access to biomedical information at the earliest possible moment, including randomized controlled trials (useful for systematic reviews), identifying key opinion leaders via grey literature, and competitive intelligence from MedRXiv and BioRXiv.  Preprint filters have been added to the search results page under publication types (limit to preprint) and journal titles (limit to  [Read more]

Health and Science Communication

Research or medical glossaries help simplify language, better communicate your work  

At the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences’ 4th Annual Symposium, “Making an Impact, Shaping the Future,”  panelist Dr. L. Ebony Boulware, vice dean for translational science research at Duke University, emphasized the need to speak a common language, especially when working with community members and research participants. While this isn’t always an easy task, it  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Refugee health resources

Refugees often arrive with a broad spectrum of health challenges including lack of medical records, language barriers, and trauma. Here are some resources healthcare professionals may use when caring for refugee populations.

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