Becker Blog

Mastering Information

Better Browsing the Print Collection: Using NLM Classification and Virtual Shelves

Sometimes you know exactly what you want, you look up where to find it, and you’re checking out minutes later. But other times it’s helpful to browse the shelves until inspiration strikes. To focus your browsing of Becker Library’s print collection on a specific area of study, use NLM Classification as a guide. It presents  [Read more]


Bake Sale-Book Sale to Benefit Holiday Adopt-A-Family

  Join us for some yummy treats! Cupcakes, cookies and sweets galore. Plus a used book sale! (That is, books of all kinds, not medical texts.) Cash only. Each year, Becker Library adopts a needy family from the neighborhoods surrounding the Medical Center as part of the annual Washington University Medical Center Holiday Outreach Program.  [Read more]


Annual Display of Rare Anatomical Texts is Dec. 20

  On Wednesday, Dec. 20, Becker Library’s Archives and Rare Books Division will host the Annual Display of Rare Anatomical Texts from 2 to 5 p.m. in the King Center on the library’s seventh floor. The exhibition is a unique opportunity to see a selection of spectacular medical works dating from the Renaissance to the 20th  [Read more]

Mastering Information

Is a Systematic Review Right for You?

High-quality systematic reviews are important contributions to medical literature, but how do you know if your research question is the right fit for a systematic review? Here is a quick breakdown of the systematic review process, and what should be considered before embarking on your research journey.

Archives and Rare Books

The Great American Smokeout

Every year on the third Thursday of November, the American Cancer Society encourages all smokers to avoid using cigarettes for 24 hours for the Great American Smokeout event. The hope is that by refraining from smoking for one single day, and instead learning more about the many health benefits of quitting for good, smokers will be taking an important step toward a healthier life and reducing their cancer risk.

Archives and Rare Books

November 1917 at Base Hospital 21

By November of 1917, the original members of Base Hospital 21 were six months into their deployment to Rouen, France. Recruited from the Washington University Medical Center, the doctors, nurses and enlisted personnel who had left St. Louis in May with great fanfare were now settling into a routine that included being severely overworked. When the unit arrived in France to assume control of a British army hospital, it became obvious they were seriously understaffed.

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